Nature Play May Calendar & Prompts
Nature Play May Calendar & Prompts
4 years ago I started a bi-monthly play challenge #natureplaymay on instagram to encourage myself to get outside and play with my then 2.5 year old Oskar.
It ignited something in me and in him and this incredible love and connection to nature was born. It changed the way we live our lives, how we find gratitude, how we learn, how I parent and I found the most supportive group of wonderful humans in this online space.
I found my people. Those who stare at clouds a little longer that usual, that follow the ant trail all the way home to the hill, that love the weeds just as much as the wildflowers and ironically in this online space where I shared my love of nature I was home.
I would love you to play along with the daily prompts #natureplaymay
Add to Cart to download and print both the calendar and prompt list instantly and the file will also be emailed to you. Give it a few minutes to send.
Happy playing
xx Elise