Instagram Play Planner

Instagram Play Planner

Do you play on Instagram? We do and we are loving it but I needed to help myself keep track of what we were playing in a more low tech kinda way.

I can get a bit overwhelmed by the information and the pretty things and forget to get involved in challenges that I really want to be a part of (including my own sometimes) then by the time I remember they are over. I needed to remind myself in the form of a good old print out on the fridge.

I made this planner up to keep track of all the monthly challenges and play prompts that we are being inspired by and a part of on Instagram.

I figured if I found it useful maybe another parent would too.  It’s a 12-month Instagram Play Planner perfect for sticking on the fridge.

I’ve made it a free download just click here.

Since I started the Nature Play May & Nature Play July challenges this year with Amie from Growing Kind an entire world of inspiration, community and purpose has opened up for me on Instagram.

There is the largest community of Early Childhood Educators and Teachers, Home Schoolers and Mum’s sharing amazing information and resources from all over the globe and I feel like I stumbled my way into this world I had no idea existed. But wow am I glad I found it.

I am not an educator. I am a Mum who is educationally curious and extremely passionate about the importance of creativity and play. I sincerely hope this planner comes in handy for you.


xx Elise

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